Healthy Diet With Dragon Fruit and Banana

Food —Sabtu, 19 Jun 2021 15:25
Healthy Diet With Dragon Fruit and Banana

Yogyakarta, Depostjogja

In the Dr.Oz Indonesia Trans TV program, explained by Dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro, dragon fruit can nourish the oral cavity to the digestive tract. In addition, dragon fruit is also anticancer because it is high in antioxidants. Dragon fruit can also balance blood sugar in the body, so people with diabetes can consume dragon fruit.

Bananas contain high potassium, Bun. Where potassium is very good for the health of the body because the minerals can nourish blood vessels and blood circulation.

To add sweetness to the juice, no need to add sugar, just add honey. Also, give a sprinkling of chia seeds, which are high in omega 3 and omega 6.


1-2 red dragon fruit
1 cavendish banana
2 bottles of Yakult
100-200 ml water
1 tbsp lemon (optional)
Ice cubes as needed
chia seeds for sprinkling (optional)

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Peel and cut the red dragon fruit and banana
Put all the ingredients together in a blender, then blend and serve, you can add chia seeds as a sprinkling on top.
High in fiber content, it can increase bowel movements and facilitate the intestines to move through the digestive tract. Consuming dragon fruit can help reduce the chances of constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. (RO)

Editor: Putri

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