This is the meaning of the birth flower for each zodiac sign, is your zodiac sign?

LifeStyle —Kamis, 23 Nov 2023 14:51
This is the meaning of the birth flower for each zodiac sign, is your zodiac sign?

DEPOSTJOGJA - We usually know the zodiac through symbols, but the zodiac also has various other symbols that you should know, one of which is the birth flower.

These flowers are considered to represent a number of traits from each zodiac sign, and of course this can be a reference when you want to gift flowers to someone.

Here are some birth flowers according to the zodiac, citing various sources.


  • Aries – Honeysuckle

This zodiac sign is often said to have a bold character, and the Aries zodiac sign is symbolized by honeysuckle and honeysuckle flowers are flowers that bloom in early spring.

This flower has a bright appearance and has the ability to survive the winter and this flower is also considered a representative of Aries which is considered tough and persistent.


  • Taurus – Lili

This zodiac sign is known for its glamorous and sensual personality, which is why lilies are the birth flower that represents Taurus.

This flower has a very elegant appearance and these lilies are often used as decoration for various formal and luxurious events.


  • Gemini – Lavender

Gemini is one of the unforgettable zodiac signs with all its uniqueness, and it's only natural that lavender has such a distinctive fragrance that this flower is Gemini's birth flower.


  • Cancer – White Rose

This white rose is the symbol of Cancer's birth flower, and has a romantic and sensitive impression, this is enough to describe the characteristics of both of them.

The white color of this flower is often thought to represent Cancer's nature, which is very brave in exploiting creativity.

  • Leo – Sun

This yellow flower, which grows taller than its peers, is the birth flower of Leo.

Not only about self-confidence and the tendency to be the center of attention, Leo and sunflowers are also symbols of happiness and loyalty.


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  • Virgo – Chrysanthemum

Almost everyone recognizes this zodiac sign which has a perfectionist nature, namely Virgo, but if you look at their birth flower, it is chrysanthemum which can grow in extreme conditions such as cold weather and is also considered to represent Virgo's very patient nature.


  • Libra – Rose

Roses in this zodiac sign symbolize their preference for something romantic and sensual, therefore roses are Libra's birth flower.


  • Sagittarius – Carnations

Irresistible and adventurous are considered to be the two main characteristics of Sagittarius.

This is also in line with the characteristics of carnation flowers which are loveable and optimistic.


  • Capricorn – Pansies

The combination of dark and light colors from Pansy flowers is enough to describe the elegant and fierce nature of Capricorn.

Bloom Bar reported that the characteristic of pansies that is most compatible with Capricorns is their ability to reproduce via self-seed. This describes the nature of Capricorn who is persistent, ambitious and has high initiative.


  • Aquarius – Orchid

Orchids that can grow attached to trees are a symbol of Aquarius' deep thinker nature. And the striking color of the orchid also indicates the self-confident nature of Aquarius.


  • Pisces – Water Lily

Not only are they related to water, there are other reasons why the water lily is Pisces' birth flower.

Water lilies grow with roots that grow in muddy soil and this illustrates Pisces' determination in overcoming every obstacle they face.

These are some flowers that are considered birth flowers in various zodiac signs. (EricaRFeby)

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