Do you know? It turns out that people who sleep without a bolster have an impressive character

LifeStyle —Rabu, 30 Jun 2021 21:36
Do you know? It turns out that people who sleep without a bolster have an impressive character

Yogyakarta, Depostjogja 

Many people have different ways of sleeping, one of which is that they cannot sleep without hugging a bolster or pillow. Maybe you are one of them, if you sleep you have to hug a bolster.

Can't sleep without a bolster, once or twice is normal. But if every night you have to sleep with a bolster understand this.

It turns out that we can know the character of a person while sleeping. Impressive character if one cannot sleep without hugging a bolster or pillow.

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The type of person who sleeps who has to hug a pillow or bolster is called The Pillow Hugger. He is a good friend.

They also highly value close personal ties in their private lives. They value relationships, be it family, friends, spouses and significant others.

Because of that, they often try to protect other people's hearts, don't offend or hurt, and want the relationship to go well.

Editor: Rere

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