The Mystery Behind The Beauty of Parangkusumo Beach

Travelling —Rabu, 9 Jun 2021 11:05
The Mystery Behind The Beauty of Parangkusumo Beach


Parangkusumo beach is one of the most beautiful beaches and is visited by many tourists, both local and foreign. Parangkusumo beach has its beauty and interest for tourists who visit because according to legend that parangkusumo beach has a mysterious and scary story.

Parangkusumo beach is famous for the Queen of the South Beach and Panembahan Senopati. Because Parangkusumo Beach witnessed the meeting of the Queen of the South Beach and Panembahan Senopati, and there the Queen of the South Beach first showed her true form to Panemabahan Senopati.

And there lies the Stone of Love which is called a sacred stone, so there are often scattered flowers

The Sacred Ceremony of the Queen of the South Beach and Panembahan Senopati

The incident of the meeting between the Queen of the South Beach and Panembahan Senopati became the beginning of the close relationship between the Yogyakarta Palace and the South Queen Beach. The relationship is still close because it respects ancestors and cultural heritage.

Sacred ceremonies are always carried out every year. One of them is the Labuhan Alit ceremony, which is a ceremony carried out every entering the month of Ruwah. This ceremony was carried out in order to express gratitude to the Queen of the South Coast for the protection of the Yogyakarta Palace.

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Offerings are prepared at every sacred ceremony as a sign of respect. And if when the offerings are brought to the shore, the people compete to get the offerings because it is said that if those who get the offerings will get blessings.

If a sacred ceremony is being carried out, tourists can also witness the ceremony. But must but be polite and follow the rules.

The beauty of Parangkusumo Beach

Not only because of its mystery, but Parangkusumo beach also has a beauty and charm that is no less amazing than other beaches.

Parangkusumo beach has blackish brown sand grains that are wide and beautiful. There we can also rent an ATV to play in the sand. Enjoy the beautiful blackish brown sand accompanied by big waves typical of the south coast. Enjoying the sunset on the south coast feels very cool and enjoying the waves that wet the shoreline.

Parangkusumo beach has quite complete facilities, ranging from parking, prayer rooms, toilets.

There are also many photo spots because of the beauty of the love stone sprinkled with flowers on it.

So when you go to Parangkusumo Beach, you don't have to be afraid if you smell the fragrance of offerings or flowers. Because it has become the hallmark of Parangkusumo beach.

Editor: Putri

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