Haven't been to Jogja if you haven't taken photos at Tugu Jogja

Travelling —Rabu, 9 Jun 2021 15:20
Haven't been to Jogja if you haven't taken photos at Tugu Jogja


Who doesn't know Tugu Jogja or "white pal" (pal also means monument), a white monument or monument, because the paint color used in the past was white The location is right at the intersection between Jalan Diponegoro, A.M Sangaji, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, and Jalan Pangeran Mangkubumi. It is very easy to find and a destination for tourists visiting Yogyakarta. Because a trip to Jogja is not complete without taking pictures at Tugu Jogja, and it is said that anyone who has ever taken pictures at Tugu Jogja will always miss taking pictures again at Tugu Jogja.

History of Tugu Jogja
The previous monument was the Golong-Gilig Monument which was built by Hamengkubuwana I in 1755, the founder of the Yogyakarta Palace. It is said that while doing meditation, the Sultan of Yogyakarta at that time used this monument as a benchmark for facing the peak of Mount Merapi. The function of the monument is to contain the Sultan's message addressed to families, courtiers, and ordinary people, to always uphold the spirit of togetherness and uphold human dignity. The initial form of the monument was in the form of a solid ball (golong) and cylinder (gilig) which was interpreted as a symbol of togetherness and upholding the dignity of oneself and the state.

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In 1867 ago there was a very powerful earthquake, and this century-old Tugu collapsed, and by that time the Dutch had occupied Yogyakarta and the collapsed Tugu was rebuilt in 1889, but with a very different shape physically, turning into a rectangle. at the bottom, and the top it is shaped tapered, very different from its initial form, to break the union between the palace and Mataram.

Since its establishment until now, Tugu Jogja has been around for 3 centuries, although it has changed its initial form which is a Dutch strategy to divide. However, all of this does not affect the strength and togetherness of the people of Yogyakarta. Until now, the enthusiasm of tourists visiting to take pictures and capture the moment is very high, especially with the rise of cycling people, Tugu Jogja is certain to be a mandatory checkpoint when "Gowes". Hopefully, we can continue to maintain and care for historic buildings in Indonesia so that our children and grandchildren will be proud of their ancestors. Stay Healthy and obey health protocols when we travel, summarized from various sources (RB)

Editor: Putri

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