What We Can Do with Banana?

Food —Sabtu, 28 Aug 2021 16:18
What We Can Do with Banana?


Basically banana is one of many other plain fruits that holds three kinds of sugar substances, they are sucrose, fructose, and glucose which are actually also balanced with the combination of C fibers.

Some researchers even proven that if we eat banana, at least it will save much energy to our body around 90 minutes. By this condition, that is one of many reasons that make many athletes choose to eat this.

Moreover, the civilian also loves it and often tends to turn it to be any kinds of food, dishes, even delicious and useful beverages.

Today we have collected some materials in order to present you some wonderful ideas on how to turn the simple yet ordinary banana fruit to be many kinds of tasty even extraordinary foods! So yeah, just take a look below and make sure you are quite braver enough to try one of them or perhaps all of them, because however these are all very worth it to given a try.

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Fried Banana

This snack one actually is very easy to make and for sure you guys just need to mix it with some affordable spices such as some little tiny pieces of garlic, and then mix it also with a bit salt and the multi–purpose flour. However, it will be very good choice to cook particularly in the rainy season or yeah in any cold season due to its warmness that may bring joy and even could create a wonderful moments.

Banana Crisps
Having banana crisps when you are in the middle of workaholic times would bring you to the joy side of life, trust me, sometimes it is good however while munching some salty crisps in the same time you have to conquer many piles of task. Of course it will lead you to the moment when you realize and aware that not all times in life we have to be too serious, moreover forgetting our body and the rest of ourselves to enjoy the other bright sides of life.

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Banana Sale
Actually it is very popular kinds of snack that Indonesian ever has. Because you just need to get some almost rotten banana in order to cook the very best banana sale. And ya, it can still be eaten just after you make sure you have turned it to be sale.

Banana Kolak Soup
This food is really easy to make for sure. Moreover for mostly Indonesian, it will be very easy to find when the Ramadhan time comes up. At that period, sure you can find it easily in anywhere or everywhere, even in any public streets when you stroll around any cities, the seller even will serve it in the plastic glasses. The price is also beyond affordable, and yet the taste is beyond tasty. The sweets and the sour of some fruits cats within this soup such as pumpkin cuts, or yeah any kinds of honeydew or blewah also sometimes be used for several people. The gravy by the way is made by the mixed of coconut cream, that is why it is quite thick and yeah salty.

Editor: Rere

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